Click on the link below to watch the Livestream from our event.
Western Jurisdiction Response to General Conference 2019
Western Jurisdiction: A Home For All God's People
​Letter of Commendation to Bishop Elaine Stanovsky
UMARC Committee: Support for the Appointment of an Openly Lesbian District Superintendant
UMARC Committee: Support for the Appointment of an Openly Lesbian District Superintendant
Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto Elected Bishop
Denver Post: First Openly Gay United Methodist Bishop Will Serve In Colorado
United Methodist News: Married Lesbian Consecrated United Methodist Bishop
Western Jurisdiction: Western Jurisdiction Elects Karen Oliveto Bishop
Bishop Oliveto's Episcopacy Confirmed By Judicial Council
New York Times: Methodist High Court Rejects First Gay Bishop's Consecration
United Methodist News: Bishop Oliveto's Consecration Unquestioned; News Media Confused
United Methodist News: Reconsideration of Gay Bishop Ruling Sought
United Methodist Retired Clergy Support Bishop Oliveto & Stand In Solidarity With LGBTQ Laity, Clergy, & Candidates for Ministry
Agenda (Tentative)
8:30-9:00 a.m.
A Call to Inclusiveness
Welcome and Introductions Don Messer/Harvey Martz
Bishop Karen Oliveto
Bishop Latrelle Easterling, Baltimore-Washington
9:00-10:15 am
What Is Happening Now in the United Methodist Church?
Rev. Dr. Mark Holland
Dr. David Scott, Global Developments
Mountain Sky General Conference delegates--Jasper Peters & others*
10:15-10:30 am
Musical Interlude (Arvada UM Church)
10:30-11:00 am.
The Bible, Sexuality, & United Methodism. Rob Fuquae, St. Luke’s UM Church, Indianapolis
Preaching Amid Polarization, Rev. Mark Feldmeir
Dismantling Racism-- Bishop Easterling Palmer
Panel Response
12:00-12:30 pm
A Challenge of Inclusiveness—Bishop Karen Oliveto
Speakers and Invited Guests:
Bishop Karen P. Oliveto, Bishop Bishop Latrelle Easterling, Mark Holland, David Scott, Jasper Peters, Rob Fuquae, Mark Feldmeir, Valerie Jackson, Betty Nguyen, Nathan Adams, Tezenio Thong, Harvey Tukutau (lay, RM),Kent Ingram, Dawn Skerritt & Don McCammon (HOD) (Yellowstone)